SNS Management Policy
1. Account information
Twitter:@JDPSR_PR Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research
2. Purpose
We opened our SNS to effectively provide information on our updates, events, education/research activities, admission information, and other valuable information to society.
3. Content
Information from our website.
4. “Follow” and “Retweet“
We do “Follow” and/or “Retweet” other accounts when the head of department decides the information is beneficial to the users and our program.
5. Reply
We do not reply to any comments or tweets.
If you have any inquiries, please use the contact form on our website (
The comments and posts that are considered inappropriate may be deleted without the consent of the user.
6. Deletion and suspension of the account
The official account may be suspended or deleted in unavoidable situations where the provision of information becomes difficult.
7. Other
This management policy will be revised as necessary without notice.