Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research (JDPSR)
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The Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research (JDPSR) is a multidisciplinary research program jointly offered by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) and the University of Electro-Communications (UEC). This joint program is a doctoral research program and was established in 2019 based on the thinking that working towards a resolution for global issues currently being faced by humanity – particularly issues related to development, the environment, and peace – is the duty and purpose of sustainability research.
The word “sustainable development” became known around the world when the World Commission on Environment and Development published a report in 1987 (Brundtland Commission) and there were strong references to environmental problems. Even traditional sustainability research centered around environment problems.
On the one hand, in “the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015, international goals known as “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” from 2016 to 2030 were raised which not only identified environmental problems but also included a wide range of issues related to development such as poverty, health and sanitation, education, governance, peace, etc. This joint program, similar to these SDGs will capture “sustainability” in its wide range of meaning.
With regards to these SDGs identified as the ideal by the UN, this program will leverage the strengths of the three universities – “education and research in language, liberal arts, and area studies” (TUFS), “education and research in food, energy, and life sciences” (TUAT), and “education and research in information and communication technology (ICT), artificial intelligence and robotics, and optoelectronics” (UEC) – to bring focus on them as realistic issues from a humanities and sciences perspective and will engage in research that seeks a practical resolution.
Key features
- Training students based on a track record of cooperative teaching by the three universities.
- Development of strong students who are able to thrive both domestically and abroad due to the cooperation of preeminent and unique colleges in both the humanities and science fields.
- Promotion of multidisciplinary research.
Specific competence/knowledge
- Internationally-minded with a sense of ethics based on a foundation of universal and practical knowledge.
- Practical foundation in ethics and technique that can be adopted widely in international society.
- Advanced and expert knowledge and research capability in the areas of politics/economy, food/life, energy/resources/environment, ICT/artificial intelligence, medicine/welfare/health, etc.
- Ability to understand the background and values of different cultures and different fields, and able to adopt various opinions and build consensus.
- Ability to think logically and convey functions internationally.
Human resources
Inter- and transdisciplinary practical professionals who are grounded in their particular specialty but are also able to grasp global-scale challenges facing the globalizing society as a cross-disciplinary problem, and incorporate results of research from other fields to create innovation for the sustainable development of humanities’ future.
This program is based on the above-mentioned philosophy and the curriculum is dedicated to the following:
- An innovative coursework that expands understanding beyond various fields.
- Offering classes on Saturdays or evenings, and utilizing online capabilities to enable working adults to participate.
- Classes are taught entirely in English.